- Do you want to withdraw all your money in cash or in checks? 您的钱是要现金还是支票?
- Certainly. How much do you want to cash? 当然可以。您要兑换多少?
- Do you want to cash all the checks in US dollars? 您想把所有旅行支票都兑换成美元吗?
- Do you want to draw all your money from your account? 您想取出账户上的所有钱吗?
- Do you want to have your money back or change another one? 您是希望退款还是换一件?
- By the way, how do you want your money? 顺便问您,需要什么面值的钞票?
- Do you want to pay cash or sign the bill? 您是付现金还是在账单上签字?
- Do you want to surface your secrets to me? 你想把你的秘密告诉我吗?
- Do you want to be hickoried by your master? 你想叫你的主人鞭打你一顿吗?
- How much money do you want to deposit? 你想存多少钱?
- How much money do you want to draw this time? 这次您想取多少钱呢?
- Oh, how much money do you want to draw this time? 对了,您这次要取多少钱?
- Do you want to be a pursuer or a miser of money? 你是想做金钱的追随者还是奴隶?
- Do you want to pay for the deposit with your Master Card or cash? 您要用万事达卡或现金付保险金?
- Do you want to leave word with me that you call? 你想留话让我转达吗,就说你打过电话了?
- How much do you want to deposit with us? 您想在我们这儿存多少?
- Do you want to be a looker-on all the time? 你想总是当旁观者吗?
- Then why do you want to sell your machines? 那你为什么要卖机器呢?
- Do you want to renew our contract? 你想续订我们的合同吗?
- Do you want to try your hand at insurance? 你想试试保险行业吗?